Saturday, October 4, 2008

Catching up on life

Alright, it's been for-evah since I've had a blog update. I started to write one during Hurricane Ike but ironically my power went out as I was uploading a few photos to share... after that I was too lazy to actually write another blog and try it all again. So here's a not very interesting picture of the standing water outside my apartment. We didn't get any damage at my place but around Tyler we had a lot of trees down and lots of power outtages.

Then my computer died. Windows XP had some personal issues on my computer and left me with a "We're sorry for the inconvenience" message. I tried to get everything off my hard drive and failed so I lost all of my photos :( and some of my songs. The photos that remain are the ones I've uploaded onto Snapfish so I'm lucky in some ways. My iPod also saved all of my purchased music so I was able to recover everything I've bought. Phew. So after almost three weeks I'm up and running again. I've spent the last two nights reinstalling software and finally uploaded my pictures from last weekend.

Lindsay Hint: I ended up buying an external hard drive, which I'm hoping is one of the best computer purchases I'll ever make. Why no one ever told me to get one and back everything up is beyond me. So I'm telling all of you. PLEASE, have some sort of method to back up your hard drive in case Windows eats it! I now have mine set to back up every night at 10PM, very smart. Plus, I've named him Ernie. Ernie and I are going to be best buds as he listens to all of my music and looks at all of my pictures as I sleep. Yay.

Finally, I traveled to Cincinnati last weekend for Jenn's wedding! I had a blast seeing all of my friends. Ryan flew in too so I was able to hang out and have a date for the wedding. Ryan also tried Skyline Chili for the first time. Here he is eating at the same Skyline that Senator McCain ate at not too long ago!

I was desperate to get out of Tyler and this was the best way to do it! I still can't believe it's been five years since we've graduated... hanging out with all the girls makes me feel young again :)

Check out my MySpace page for more photos! Thanks to all my girls for such a great weekend!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Brief weekend update

To all those concerned: Yes, the water did come back on shortly after I wrote the blog. By 9pm I was awash in water!

As you may have read/seen/heard, Texas is in the midst of a heatwave... I'm using the term "heatwave" loosely because when it comes down to it, it's actually hotter than heck. Living in Ohio for the first 22-ish years of my life never prepared me for this. Even living in Georgia for the last 3 years didn't do it either. There is no other way to say it, 103 degrees is hot. 105 degree heat index is hotter. It's a gross, walk out of the house, already sweating, swamp-butt kind of heat. Hopefully Edouard (isn't that the funnest name for a Hurricane ever?) will hit us and bring some rain because we need to cool off. When it's too hot to go to the pool because the water is like a bathtub, it's no fun anymore!

Also, I was off this weekend and used my time to sleep in, work out (surprise!), go shopping and clean the apartment. I'll let you guess which of those was the most important!

Lastly, Carrie Ann now has a blog too! So I am going to try and link everyone's blog to mine and see if I'm capable.

P.S. The haircut went well. I'm pretty trendy and again, last on the bandwagon with the Posh Spice hairdo... I'll post a pic when I take one!

Happy week!

Friday, August 1, 2008

On the bandwagon...

As everyone who knows me will attest... I'm always late on the trends and last on the bandwagon. After enjoying some other blogs lately (Randi and Jen), I decided that this may actually be easier than I thought! So here I am world. Down in Texas and blogging about the excitement that is my life. Please don't be upset if it's not as glamorous as I may have led you to believe...

First thing. My apartment doesn't have any water, yes you heard me. I came home for lunch and there was a geyser erupting on the street spewing mucky water onto Grande... all of the precious water that should be sitting in my toilet tank and waiting in the pipes for me to use. Alas, at 8:00 pm there was still no water. If it keeps up I'll be visiting Premier Fitness to shower and brush my teeth. Most obnoxiously of all is that this happens on a frequenter than should basis. Namely just last month. Ugh.

Second thing. I have this weekend off! YAY. I will be sleeping in and hanging out and doing all of the small tasks that I haven't been able to accomplish the last month or so. Getting a radiator flush, washing the Silver Bullet, getting a haircut. You know, the most important things in life. If the haircut goes well I'll post a picture.

Thanks for hanging in there for the first ever blog from ME!

Have a GREAT weekend!