Friday, August 1, 2008

On the bandwagon...

As everyone who knows me will attest... I'm always late on the trends and last on the bandwagon. After enjoying some other blogs lately (Randi and Jen), I decided that this may actually be easier than I thought! So here I am world. Down in Texas and blogging about the excitement that is my life. Please don't be upset if it's not as glamorous as I may have led you to believe...

First thing. My apartment doesn't have any water, yes you heard me. I came home for lunch and there was a geyser erupting on the street spewing mucky water onto Grande... all of the precious water that should be sitting in my toilet tank and waiting in the pipes for me to use. Alas, at 8:00 pm there was still no water. If it keeps up I'll be visiting Premier Fitness to shower and brush my teeth. Most obnoxiously of all is that this happens on a frequenter than should basis. Namely just last month. Ugh.

Second thing. I have this weekend off! YAY. I will be sleeping in and hanging out and doing all of the small tasks that I haven't been able to accomplish the last month or so. Getting a radiator flush, washing the Silver Bullet, getting a haircut. You know, the most important things in life. If the haircut goes well I'll post a picture.

Thanks for hanging in there for the first ever blog from ME!

Have a GREAT weekend!


Anonymous said...

Sweet blog Linds! You are really on the bandwagon for blogs if you have your own blog page now! Maybe your blogs can get mentioned in People magazine like Perez Hilton! haha

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Welcome, Blogger-friend! I'm so excited to be the first to leave a comment. It's like being the first to sign a brand new yearbook! ;) Except I won't write anything dumb like, "This is the clown that came to town to sign your yearbook upside down." (Please tell me you did that.) I hope your water comes on soon.Although I'm sure the showers at the gym at this time of might wouldn't be a bad option. Run a mile for me while you're there!

Unknown said...

Ugh! Ryan beat me. Way to go, Nicodemus.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm. why wouldn't you write something dumb like you would in a yearbook??? So, in the spirit of yearbooks... I'm so glad we've become friends these last 2 years Linz. Stay Sweet! Love ya like a sis! MFEO!

Jen Lilley said...

yay!!! good work Linds, I'm excited to read about Lindsay's Texas adventures. Link to my blog (if you know how to do that yet) and I will do the same. xoxo
ps- hope the water comes back on soon!