Thursday, August 27, 2009

100 books in 1 year

It's been so long since I've blogged that I thought it might be best to start over! Last year, my friend Ryan and I decided to have a "contest" to see who could reach reading 100 books in year first (or if it could be done). We never did follow through on it and I thought it might be time to try it again. Although this time it won't be a contest... I'm going to do it on my own. You'll get to follow along with me on my journey.

I thought I would update every week on what I've read, what I've thought and give a few highlights/lowlights/recommendations/etc. I'm also very open to suggestions on what to read.

So it here it begins. I had thought on waiting until January 1, sort of a "New Years" resolution but I know how those all turn out; I figured why not just do it whenever I want.

The week of August 30 will be Week 1.

For those interested the books I'll chat about include:

Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy
The Sister by Poppy Adams

It makes me feel like I'm back in school. This will be my grow up version of a book report. For those who really know me, know that I love to read and it's nothing for me to read an entire book in one day.

It's sad, sometimes pathetic and always embarrassing.


Jen Lilley said...

I love Circle of Friends and pretty much anything by Maeve Binchy actually... also, if you are taking recommendations "The Art of Racing in the Rain" was so so so good...our book club also loved "The Glass Castle"...

SO glad you're bloggin again!!

Jen Lilley said...

well? how many books have you read so far?